From the Help menu, click About OpenMG™ Jukebox. If your OpenMG™ Jukebox version is "2.0", your OpenMG Jukebox has already been updated. You do not need to download the patch program. Notice to Customers using SonicStage, SonicStage Simple Burner, OpenMG Jukebox, Net MD Simple Burner or MD Simple. At the 'OPENMG' window, double-click the Setup icon to install OpenMG Jukebox software. If your OpenMG™ Jukebox version is other than "2.0", please continue to downloand and install this update. After installation is complete, the OPENMG folder and its contents can be deleted from the Windows desktop. Right-click the OPENMG folder and then select Delete from the menu. Template:Refimprove OpenMG is a SDMI-compliant digital rights management system by Sony.It is designed for audio files in ATRAC3 format. At the 'Confirm Folder Delete' box, click Yes. Sony SonicStage, is usually capable of transcoding MP3 and wav files to OpenMG/ATRAC3. The file extensions OpenMG-encrypted files use are. 1:41 AM in response to SoniaDIn response to SoniaD. This update applies to both the OpenMG™ Jukebox Ver.2.2 and SonicStage™ for VAIO Ver.1.0 programs. The Net MD facility requires Sony's 'OpenMG Jukebox' software and this is not available for Macs. I'm afraid your only option is to transfer the items as audio and rerecord them on the Mac. If you install OpenMG™ Jukebox Ver.2.2 on your VAIO with the pre-installed SonicStage™ for VAIO Ver.1.0 and execute this patch program, both programs will be updated simultaneously. During the installation of this update, be sure that you are logged in as the Administrator or as a user with Administrative rights. To ensure that no other program interferes with the installation, save all work and close all other programs. OpenMG Jukebox 2.2.9 is available as a free download on our software library. The Taskbar should be clear of applications before proceeding. The program belongs to Photo & Graphics Tools. The most popular versions among the software users are 2.2, 2.1 and 2.0. This free PC tool can operate with the following extensions: '.wma', '.asf' and '.wav'.
It is highly recommended to print out these instructions as a reference during the installation process.